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Going with the flow
2 min read
During the COVID lockdown, I started writing. usually using one of the three fountain pens I acquired during the first month of ‘sheltering in place.’ Of course, I could have written with one of the many pencils I own — I have a bit of a pencil addiction. Still, I felt this past year —more…
What happens when you get older?
1 min read
I keep catch myself thinking like an ‘old person’. More than one I’ve thought “perhaps we should go for dinner a bit earlier, you know before the restaurant gets really busy and the service gets slow’’. I can trace my path to thinking like this back to when I commuted to work by train. For…
Kidney beans
2 min read
I developed a kidney stone. I was running on a treadmill at the gym when it started. At first, it felt like I’d tweaked a muscle in my back. I tried to stretch it out as I ran. But that made no difference. Rather than risking lifting weights, I packed up and left the gym.…
More Tempting than Cinnabon
2 min read
During the past week, I binge watched two series of Everest: Beyond the Limit and listened to the audiobook of ‘Into Thin Air’ by John Krakauer. I highly recommended both, even if you have no interest in climbing mountains or stupid stuff like that. They are phenomenal studies in human psychology, ego, and humility in the face of failure.…
Same ol’ Same ol’ Snake Oil
2 min read
Until science comes up with a solution, we will keep getting older. And with age comes health issues—the inevitable consequence of enzymes drying up, tendons tightening, and muscles loosening. Like many people my age, I’m interested in ‘wellness’ as a concept. I mean, I can hit old age in the best possible shape; it will…
Needles and Me
8 min read
Word rapidly spread around the high school that one of the girls had an “empty.” Her parents had gone on holiday and left her alone in the house. Trusting her to look after their most valuable assest. So, it was surprising she was hosting a party for our entire high school year group, and everyone…